The Smoked Cocktail is the best place to buy cocktail smoker kits. Our cocktail smoker kit contains the highest quality American Cherry smoker and a variety of smoke dusts for you to choose from.

Cocktail Pairings

Smoked cocktails have become increasingly popular in the last few years, and combining them with wood pairings brings a unique flavor to your drinks. By adding smoky flavors from woods like cherry, apple and cinnamon, you can create some truly incredible taste experiences. Here are some tips for finding the perfect smoked cocktail wood pairing:


1. Start by considering the type of spirit you’re using in your drink. Different types of alcohol will react differently to different types of wood smoke, so it’s important to choose a wood that will complement the flavor profile of your spirit. For instance, whiskey pairs well with oak, while tequila pairs better with hickory or mesquite.


2. Take into account the other elements of your cocktail. Consider pairing a lighter wood, like maple or cherry, with fruity drinks that contain a lot of juice or other sweeter flavors. If you’re using bitter ingredients like Campari or vermouth, then stronger woods like oak and hickory might be better suited.


3. Be aware of the intensity of the smoke flavor you want to create. Some woods will impart more smoky flavor than others, so determine how much smoke you’d like your drink to have before making your selection. Oak and hickory are great for adding big smoky notes, while milder woods like applewood and cherrywood will provide more subtle smokiness.


4. Use the right amount of smoke dust for your drink. Too much smoke flavor can overpower a cocktail, while too little won’t do anything. Start experimenting with small amounts and build up or reduce as needed until you find the perfect balance.


By following these tips, you can find the right smoked cocktail wood pairing to elevate your drinks and add something special to your recipes. Once you find the right combination, it’s sure to take your drinks to a whole new level!



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